รู้จัก ฮุนได กลุ่มธุรกิจขนาดใหญ่ที่สุดของเกาหลีใต้ ที่ก่อตั้งโดยลูกชาวนา /โดย ลงทุนแมน
“Man's potential is limitless” หรือที่มีความหมายว่า “ศักยภาพของมนุษย์เรา ไม่มีขีดจำกัด”
ประโยคหนึ่ง ที่กล่าวโดย “ซุง จู ยุง” ผู้ก่อตั้งกลุ่มฮุนได
หลายคนอาจคิดว่าฮุนได (Hyundai) หรือที่คนเกาหลีเรียกว่า “ฮยอน แด” เริ่มทำธุรกิจผลิตรถยนต์มาตั้งแต่แรก
...Continue ReadingKnow Hyundai, South Korea's largest business group founded by farmer's son / investment man.
′′ Man's potential is limitless aka ′′ our human potential has no limit
One sentence said by ′′ Sung Joo-Yung ′′ the founder of Hyundai Group.
Many people may think that Hyundai (Hyundai) or Korean people call ′′ Hyun Dae ′′ started in the first place in the beginning of their car manufacturing business.
But in fact, Hyundai has a starting point from the construction business.
How is this? Invest Man will tell you about it.
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Hyundai was founded by Sung Joo, a South Korean male mosquito, who was born from a farmer's family living in rural area of Kangwon province, south of Korea.
When I was young, Sungju, I dreamed that I wanted to be a student teacher.
But with poverty, he has no capital in education and no chance to follow his intentional dreams.
However, Sung Joo-Yung has been in a youthful businessman.
Because every time he travels to town, he always panting wood from his neighborhood to sell to make money.
What he does regularly when he has a chance to travel to the city.
It's to find newspaper to read, add knowledge.
At this point, that sparked his mind to earn more money to help his life and family get out of poverty.
When I start to see the opportunity that working in the city pays off.
So he plans to go out of the countryside to work in the city.
Sung Jooyung tried to run away from home to work in town many times, but he was taken home every time.
But his 4nd attempt was accomplished.
When his father doesn't come looking for him again.
In the first period, Sung Juyung started working as a laborer at Port in Inchon City.
And next to deliver rice to a rice store in Seoul.
He worked in rice stores with diligence.
And after 6 months of work, I have been promoted to take care of my shop accounting job.
After taking care of accounting job
He's getting more knowledge of business
I have been trusted by the rice shop owner who has health problems to take care of my business instead.
But shortly after, in the early 1939's, Korea took over Japan.
Rice businesses are being coerced to shut down by the Japanese Army.
He decided to bring his experience and money collected to start a carport business in his hometown in Kangwon province.
But the garage business has to shut down again from the orders of the Japanese government.
In conclusion, both rice trading and car garage business that seems to go well. It's not what he expects.
But then fate seems to be taking his side..
Because in 1945 Japan defeated WWII
Make U.S. to take care of the current South Korea or South Korea.
U.S. Entry makes doing business in South Korea more freedom.
It's this time that Sung Juyung was founded Hyundai in 1947
Initially, Hyundai started a construction business.
Because Sung Juyu, Mosquitoes South Korea needs to be restored after war ends.
One of the factors that made Hyundai grow well in the first period is because South Korea's government had several construction projects and restoration projects such as expressway, port construction and dams.
Hyundai is the winner of the South Korean government's multi-project auction.
Including other projects from the U.S. government
Later in 1965, Hyundai took first offshore road construction job.
This is a road building project in south of Thailand during Pattani and Narathi province.
Hyundai group's key step is to establish Hyundai Motor in 1967
Which today, Hyundai Motor became South Korea's largest automobile manufacturing company.
In 2018, Hyundai Motor was the world's 5th highest manufacturing company.
In 2019, Hyundai Motor proceeds 2.8 million baht, profit 83,000 million baht and now it's worth the company more than 1 trillion baht.
Hyundai group present in various businesses
Such as construction contractor, manufacturing and selling cars, retail, financial services.
Which, if all businesses are integrated into one company, the Hyundai group is considered South Korea's largest business group.
Even today, Sung Joo-yung is gone.
But his journey on his hard path to success will inspire many people.
So if we are facing difficulties now
Try to develop yourself and find a path forward.
Like the example of Sungjoo, mosquitoes from being a farmer's son, poor status can step up as the founder of Hyundai Group, South Korea's giant company nowadays..
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同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過93萬的網紅Bubzvlogz,也在其Youtube影片中提到,HAPPY NEW YEAR! This is our last vlog of 2020. Can you believe it? As strange as this year has been, thankfully it has flown by for our little family...
health quote 在 Drama-addict Facebook 八卦
ฮอกไกโดพบผู้ติดไวรัสโคโรน่าสายพันธุ์ใหม่ รายที่5 เป็นเจ้าหน้าที่ในงานเทศกาลหิมะ ซัปโปโร
ชายวัย 40
แถลงข่าวโดย นายกเทศมนตรีนครซัปโปโร
แหล่งอ้างอิง ทีวีท้องถิ่น STV
#เทศกาลหิมะ #โคโรน่า #ซัปโปโร
#เห็นข่าวนี้ปวดหัวเลย #แอดอยู่ในงานตลอด
จำนวนผู้ติดเชื้อโคโรน่า ที่พบในฮอกไกโด
ล่าสุด 20 กพ . 2020 (19:57)
No1. พบเมื่อ 28 มค (คนจีน)
No2. พบเมื่อ 14 กพ (ซัปโปโร)
No.3 ยืนยัน เมื่อ 19กพ (ซัปโปโร)
No.4. ยืนยันเมื่อ 19กพ(เมืองนานาเอะ)
No.5 ยืนยันเมื่อ 20กพ(ซัปโปโร)
*ปล. No.3 กับNo.5 อยู่ออฟฟิศเทศกาลหิมะ Zone 2 ด้วยกัน
*ประชากรฮอกไกโด 5.28ล้านคน
Hokkaido found the 5nd new breed of corona virus infected as officers at the cuddle pporo snow festival.
40 year old man
The cuddle th person. Poro.
Hospital treatment is now in hospital
Press Conference by Mayor Nakhon Soi cuddle Poro
STV local TV references
#เทศกาลหิมะ #โคโรน่า #ซัปโปโร
#เห็นข่าวนี้ปวดหัวเลย #แอดอยู่ในงานตลอด
Number of Corona infected found in Hokkaido
The latest 20 Feb. 2020 (19:57)
No1. Met on 28 Jan (Chinese)
Cured and back to China
No2. Found on 14 Feb (Soi cuddle Poro)
No. No. 3 confirmed on 19 Feb (Soi cuddle Poro)
No. No. 4. confirmed on 19 Feb (Nanae City)
No. No. 5 confirmed on 20 Feb (Soi cuddle Poro)
* ps. No. 3 with No. 5 at the office Zone 2 snow festival together
* 5.28 million Hokkaido population
Quote: Public Health HokkaidoTranslated
health quote 在 辦公室日報 Facebook 八卦
我接廣告唔會發錢寒亂咁接,作為一個page,要對讀者負責任,簡單舉一個例,有位客人叫One Health 同健,佢隻健脾化濕沖劑當日搵辦公室日報落廣告嘅時候,我有詳細了解過係咪有用?然後發現呢隻唔駛煲嘅去濕茶的確幫到手,令我冇咁易攰,唔會成日冇胃口,更加唔會面腫腫,因為濕重係會影響免疫力,我相信大家嘅工作壓力絕對唔會細過我,呢隻廣告發放嘅資訊既然有用,產品又幫到人,咁咪接job囉,我唔會因為錢就咁拎住件產品大嗌:「嘩!好勁呀!好掂呀!」然後胡混過關袋袋平安,對得住自己個平台,都要對得住讀者。
產品真材實料好重要,特別point out同健呢個客出嚟講,係因為得到佢哋一直以嚟嘅信任同埋尊重,印象中幾乎唔會改我啲稿,早排佢哋更加表示:「好多謝辦公室日報嘅讀者支持。」所以我想藉住呢個機會轉達畀大家知。
同健上年4月15號第一次搵我出廣告,有幸成為佢哋第一個採用嘅fb page當然係開心啦,期間除咗介紹過佢哋嘅皇牌健脾化濕沖劑之外,仲有其他產品,回頭job已經好幾次喇,最近知道同健初登電視舞台,搵埋ViuTV幫手宣傳,見到一個新品牌不斷去尋求進步,推出更多新產品,同時亦提醒咗我唔好滿足於現狀,應該要更加努力去回報支持自己嘅人。
至於嗰啲唔識欣賞我哋嘅客,仲有唔壓你價就唔安樂嘅人,Let it go啦!何必為咗少少利益去犧牲寶貴時間同埋好心情呢?希望大家搵工嗰陣都一樣,千祈唔好懷疑自己嘅能力同埋價值。
順手幫同健推廣下先,即日起至 7月 31日,同健健脾化濕沖劑由原價$168,減至$138,萬寧、華潤堂、HKTVMall有售,仲有以下呢條link可以直接購買
#唔駛煲嘅去濕茶 #同健 #同健健脾化濕沖劑 #onehealth
health quote 在 Bubzvlogz Youtube 的評價
This is our last vlog of 2020. Can you believe it? As strange as this year has been, thankfully it has flown by for our little family. This was the year I wore a mask more than I wore a bra. It was also the year I saw my postman more than my own family and friends. Still, I am thankful for my loved ones being healthy and well. I know everybody is sick of 2020 and hopes the New Year will be better. I am optimistic about the future but honestly, I'm just taking it one day at a time and celebrating little wins. I read a quote that says 2021 shouldn't be looked at as some magical year. Instead, we must also take ownership of our actions, change our habits to support our growth and make health and happiness a priority. Here's to not only GOING through 2021 but GROWING through it!!
Wishing you a SAFE HEALTHY AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. May your bowel movements always be smooth and regular.
All my love,
Bubz xo
Music by Fiji Blue - Butterflies - https://thmatc.co/?l=46147060
'Shine' and 'The Lights Ahead' by MJ Lee: https://mjleedot.com/

health quote 在 YingTze Youtube 的評價
My New Hair Color to celebrate the New Year 2018 !
I've been visiting Daisuke Salon for a year now and my hair journey with them is amazing ! I used to have very thin hair and couldn't do much with my hair style. They nurtured my hair back to good health and now I can even do crazy bright colors !!!!! I am so happy !
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If you enjoyed this video and would like to see more from me , do give a HUGE THUMBS LIKE and SUBSCRIBE !
Email me at [email protected]

health quote 在 MingSir English Youtube 的評價
Wedding photos are sacred mementos. They immortalise a significant rite of passage—your wedding. This day is like no other. You take her hands, look her in the eye, and make the vows—for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part. You PROMISE to take care of her for life and never walk away, no matter how sick and ailing she may become. You PROMISE to abrade your own sharp edges, learn to be a good husband and always put her first. You PROMISE to be faithful and not do anything that could hurt her terribly. I love the quote "Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for." Years after your marriage, when you look at the photos again, not only will you take a stroll down memory lane, but remember the Holy Trinity of promises. You will love her more, more and more.
Ming Sir WhatsApp: 5118 4620
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health quote 在 200 Health Quotes ideas - Pinterest 的八卦
Apr 5, 2018 - Explore Results RNA's board "Health Quotes", followed by 10574 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about health quotes, quotes, health. ... <看更多>